Lavender Fine 10ml

Well known for its powerful relaxing properties, the Lavender Fine essential oil of Provence has many other virtues: it is very beneficial to the digestive system, it is a great restorative for the skin and also appreciated to relieve muscle pain, rheumatism and arthritis.

  • Strong antispasmodic,
  • Soothing, sedative, relaxing, antidepressant
  • Strong dermal healer, also regenerates the skin and skin tissue in external use analgesic (pain relief)
  • Antimicrobial and antiseptic,
  • Regulatory of the nervous system
  • General  and pulmonary disinfectant
  • Benefits the heart by its cardiotonic action, soothes heart nerves and is also hypotensive
  • Purifying on both psychic and physical levels
  • Insecticide